Expert Guidance

I used several CPA Exam Review products and was unsuccessful. Somehow I got trapped with products that offered access until you pass, updated materials; however, that did not work. I decided to try face-2-face review and today I am a CPA because I tried something different. Thanks to CPA Review… Read more “Expert Guidance”

David S

Great Coaching

The CPA Exam classes were comprehensive and taught in a granular manner such that all candidates understood the concepts. We worked questions and were shown how to navigate and identify question traps. I am a CPA today because of Mabstac’s CPA Exam… Read more “Great Coaching”

Angella J

His guidance helped me

I had completed another chartered accountancy course (ACCA) and decided to do this CPA Exam. I attended his coaching sessions and followed the advice as given. I passed all four parts of the CPA Exam on my first attempt of each… Read more “His guidance helped me”

Brandon S.

I passed

I attended the CPA Exam review sessions and did all four courses. I passed all four courses on my first attempt. The guidance was great. I followed the guidance and did my share of the work. Thanks to CPA Exam… Read more “I passed”

Barry T


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