3 Tips for Studying for CPA Exam
Preparing for the CPA exam can be challenging and demanding, and an arduous journey. It requires dedication, discipline and perseverance (horse-blinkered focus). The CPA Exam is super jealous. It hates to be cheated on. It likes time and attention, and a courtship period.
When combined with the other demands of life, the CPA Exam can be stressful. However, it is not impossible to achieve a successful outcome. Others have navigated this journey. The highs and lows, the passes and failures, losing courses, and then bang! success. Like others, how do you achieve success? Here a three suggestions:
Look straight ahead.
The first day I sat around a steering wheel learning to drive, my instructor said look straight ahead. Don’t look at the bonnet or road just in front of the car. Look straight ahead. You know that’s difficult, right. And even when looking straight ahead, you still see the bonnet and road just in front of the car. Therefore, what’s the point in mentioning it here? Focus on the goal more than the process – focus on the destination rather than the process.
The CPA exam can be overwhelming by the amount of material you need to cover. But remember, looking straight ahead is key. You don’t want to get sidetracked and fall behind schedule. To help you stay focused, create a study plan and stick with it. Set goals for each month, week and day leading up to the exam.
When studying for the CPA exam, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of study materials and feel like you’re not making progress. One way to combat this feeling is by adopting a “look straight ahead” mentality. Instead of focusing on how far you have left to go (the process), focus on the prize (success). This should keep the momentum and motivation running. Break down your study materials into manageable chunks and set achievable goals for each month, week and day. Maybe it’s reading one chapter a day or completing ten practice questions before bed. Whatever your goals are, make sure they’re realistic and attainable.
Remember, studying for the CPA exam is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s important to pace yourself and stay focused on your end goal – passing the exam! By looking straight ahead, breaking down your materials into manageable pieces, setting achievable goals, and creating a visual aid; nothing can stop you from achieving success!
Avoid comparing yourself too much with others who are also preparing for the exam. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses – what works for someone else might not work for you! Stay motivated by focusing on your goal, progress and accomplishments instead of constantly worrying about how others are doing.
Use operations management and an adjusted plan.
When it comes to studying for the CPA exam, time management is crucial. One way to effectively manage your time is through operations management and an adjusted time budget. By breaking down your study materials into smaller, manageable tasks and allocating specific amounts of time towards each task, you can ensure that you are making progress towards achieving your goals.
Start by creating a realistic plan and timeline for when you want to take the CPA exam. From there, break down each section of the exam into smaller topics or chapters that you will need to cover in order to be fully prepared. Once you have identified these areas, allocate specific amounts of time towards studying them.
Another important aspect of operations management is adjusting your time budget as needed. After each week, assess what has been achieved and adjust the time budget as needed to ensure that you do not fall behind.
With proper operations management techniques and an adjusted plan in place, studying for the CPA exam can become less daunting over time. Remember – success on this examination requires perseverance and dedication but with enough hard work anything is possible!
Get help for the CPA Exam if needed.
From the above tips, you can create a realistic plan and adjust it as needed to reach success in passing the CPA exam. If you find yourself struggling or feeling overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to seek help. There are many resources available for CPA candidates including study groups, online forums, and tutoring services. Additionally, reaching out to friends or colleagues who have passed the exam can provide valuable insights and support.
Remember that perseverance is key when studying for such a hard and time-consuming exam. With determination and dedication along with a well-planned timetable and adjusted periodically using operations management techniques, passing the CPA exam is achievable!
So, stay focused on your goals but also know when it’s okay to ask for help. Best of luck on your journey towards becoming a certified public accountant!
Marshall Blair, CPA, FCCA, CIA, CGMA