I Passed AUD!!!

Good morning Marshall, How are you doing? Hope you are doing well! I received a passing score, 82, for AUD yesterday which I took back in May. Three down, one to go! Thank you for all your help! I don’t think I could have done any of these without you!


I Passed AUD!!!

Marshall,   Good morning!  I just wanted to let you know I passed AUD with an 88!  I have my FAR exam scheduled for 6/19.   Thanks,


I Passed AUD!!!!

I passed! 78 Best!


I Passed TCP!!!

Hi Marshall,    Hope you are well. I happy to inform you that I passed TCP!. Thank God and thanks to your REG coaching.  I have just Audit left.


I passed BEC!!

Hi Marshall, I passed BEC, scored 90.



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